Sunday, 10 May 2015

Thursday, 7 May 2015

For an NEC representative who will speak out on your behalf

I am standing for one of the NEC Local Government Seats because I want to see UNISON fight harder for the biggest group of our members-in councils,local authority schools and outsourced local authority services. We need to big up our fight against the massive cuts we have faced and speak out louder for our members, whose pay and conditions have been massacred!
Local Government has faced the worst cuts of any part of the public sector. The Coalition has so-called 'protec...ted' the NHS and schools by hitting local services. On average council budgets will be cut by 40% by the end of this parliament. In some labour councils especially in the north it is even higher.

 Privatisation aka CCT hit local Government under Thatcher and has spread across Local Government like a nasty rash. Councils now spend £45 billion each year on goods and services in the private and voluntary sectors.
We all know what that means- no Two-Tier code protection, cuts to pay and conditions, poorer quality services and less local accountability. Oh and large profits for multinationals with no links to our communities!

 UNISON has got to wage a stronger fight against this waste of public money and the continued attacks our members face. If UNISON members elect me, I will make sure that happens.
In Islington where I am the branch Secretary, we have done just that. After a big UNISON campaign, Islington has become a Living Wage council, has agreed a positive employment charter with UNISON and adopted our unions Ethical Care Charter. The council is looking at all outsourced contracts before they are renewed to see if it can get better value for money and indeed a number of large contracts have been brought back in house. I would bring that experience to the NEC.
I have 16 years experience as a branch secretary and 35 years as an activist and steward in local government.

You have 7 days left to vote.

Make sure you vote for me in the NEC elections for a rep who will speak out on your behalf

Why Women Matter in UNISON

Why Women Matter in UNISON

I am standing in the NEC elections for one of the Women's Local Government seats because women matter in Local Government and in UNISON.I want to put women at the heart of our unions fight for a better deal for local government workers-whether directly employed by councils or contracted out and paid through council budgets. 78% of all local government workers are women. In some occupations-cleaners ,home care workers ,teaching assistants, school and admin workers-the proportion is even higher. In some of those jobs women make up 90% of the workforce. UNISON's bargaining and campaigning agenda should put these issues that matter to women up front and central. At the moment that doesn't happen and I want to change that.

Part time workers make up the majority in local government-over 60% and over 90% of those are women. Most people don't realise this, yet they are the worst treated and most marginal of all council workers. They are most likely to have their hours and unsocial hours payments cut, most likely to be on low pay ,regularly called upon to fill in the gaps left by redundancies with little or no thanks just an expectation they will do it.

School workers have nearly all been put on term time only contracts. I want our union UNISON to 'big up' its campaigns for justice for part time workers.
Equal pay, carers leave decent and affordable childcare all matter to our women members in part time or full time jobs. That is why in my role as branch secretary in Islington I have over the years fought for better pay and conditions for our members. If elected ,I will make sure that those issues are high on our unions agenda..

Most councillors, ,senior managers and chief executives are men who don't recognise the importance of women to the vital work that councils do-whether in back office jobs or in our communities. And they certainly don't recognise the daily struggles that many of our members have to combine paid work with caring for their children, older relatives and families. That is true in some parts of our union too. I want that to change.

Whether it's organising and recruiting, fighting for decent pay and conditions, having a real say in UNISON's democratic lay structures or being 'seen' in all parts of our union. women matter.
I will make sure that UNISON gives our women members in local government a voice. I will speak up for them and make sure they have the power they deserve in UNISON.

 Vote for me for one of the Women's Local Government NEC seats