Friday 24 April 2015

Clarity of purpose

Mike Calvert writes:

" I  have worked closely with Jane for many years. She is the finest trade union representative I know.

One of her greatest strengths is when she is faced with a problem she has clarity of mind and has a forensic approach to solving problems. This is one of the qualities which makes her such a fine trade union representative.

Jane is probably the strongest person I know. Nothing shocks or puts her off course.
Jane is the only woman Branch Secretary in Islington. Although we have progressive policies in islington she has had to get involved in some pretty earthy and gritty negotiations when the waste contract was insourced and she didn't bat an eyelid.

Jane can hold her own!

These are just some of the reasons members should elect her to the NEC in 2015."

Mike in Ashton with Alex Shaw 

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